Notker Balbulus

The Hymnbook

For Easter Wednesday

[N.15] "Agni paschalis esu"



With upright manners all Christian souls carry themselves worthy of the food of the Paschal Lamb and His drink, for whom Heself the Highest Priest did offer Himself as victim to God.

Their forehead is marked with His Sacred Blood, just as once on the doorposts, and guarded against Canopic slaughter: Their bloody enemies were overwhelmed in the Red Sea.

Let them gird their reins to modesty: Let them guard their feet against adders and let them bear alway spiritual staves against dogs in their hands, that they might follow the Passion of Jesus, Who returned as victor from the depths!

Behold, the world, restored to life with its apparel, rising together with Christ, admonisheth the faithful, who after His death will live better with Him.


Richard L. Hewitt
Notker's Hymnbook in Three Languages

Kamuzu Academy, Malawi
2020 - 2022