The whole globe singeth praises all-where to God – the globe that hath been freed without charge by the Highest Father’s indulgence: Who, taking pity because human kind was fallen into the old trap, sent hither His Son on earth, so that, with His right hand, He might raise those cast down in the dirt to the sky and restore them to their Fatherland.
Thus He, planted in the womb of an inviolate mother, lived here, the only Man free from blot and without deceit: the serpent that gave ill counsel to Adam spoiled Him not with guile; but rather, seeking greedily the bait of His flesh, was tricked by God’s hook and vanquished for ever.
Therefore do ye all, on whom the prince of this age hath inflicted what him pleaseth and whom he hath undone, cleave to this Man, in Whom he found nothing of his own! For those that cleave to Him he can in no wise undo!
Let us sing thanks now and for ever to the All-powerful Redeemer!